Taking climate responses beyond the usual suspects

Good news! It looks like this challenge is getting a bit easier. My hope arises from recent research by Climate Outreach, a UK charity (formerly called COIN) who specialise in communication strategies on climate issues. Climate Outreach and Cardiff University commissioned a major public opinion study in late 2019, which has encouraging findings, and plenty … Read more

UK Food Strategy: the Dimbleby Report offers a clear, positive direction

It was only last year that Professor Tim Lang, one of the UK’s top experts in this field, published Feeding Britain, an exhaustive and exhausting 567-page account of why our food system is so dysfunctional: see blog here. Henry Dimbleby and team deserve a lot of credit for crystallising a set of major issues, and … Read more

Book blog: Deep Adaptation – Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos by Jem Bendell and Rupert Read

I regard Deep Adaptation as one of the most important approaches to the climate crisis, and this new book will give you a thorough grounding in what DA is, and isn’t, and in the various ways it might evolve over the next few years. It’s not easy to define what Deep Adaptation is: I wouldn’t … Read more

Helping businesses get real about zero carbon

This guest blog is by Harry Humfrey, co-founder of a start-up business, aklimate, who have a very practical approach to helping businesses move towards zero carbon emissions. aklimate was started with a simple goal, to help businesses of all sizes join the net zero revolution. While it is a real cause for optimism that 65% … Read more

Open Veg and Fruit Gardens Wednesday May 19 2021, 2-5pm

Photo: Edible Gardens, St Mary’s Primary School Seeding our Future and Transition Town Bridport will be hosting ‘Open Veg and Fruit Gardens’ on Wednesday 19 May between 2- 5 pm, to exchange information about what some food growers in Bridport are doing to adapt to climate change There will be an opportunity for you to … Read more

Woodland Resilience Immersion Retreat For Doctors

Nature-based ways to resource yourself and your practice Tuesday 20th July at 5pm until Thursday 22nd July at 5pmSingle accommodation. Vegetarian food locally sourced where possible. Total £275 The impact of prolonged overload, COVID working and the stress of facing ever-rising demands with shrinking resources, is calling us to respond creatively. This Woodland Resilience Immersion … Read more

Sustainable, sociable and fun: a cohousing story

A case history of the Threshold Centre An ecological footprint is a measure of how much productive land area your lifestyle requires, and how far this is from sustainability. The UK average footprint is between 5 and 8 global hectares per person, based on different experts’ views. This is a story of how simple measures … Read more

Lifestyle sustainability: The New Green Frontier

Why are consumer attitudes to energy saving, and even those of policy makers, so preoccupied with home heating?  I think it’s because this is a pretty easy, safe, non-controversial sector.  Who could possible object to pensioners getting help with loft insulation, or young couples putting in a wood pellet boiler? Yet the harsh truth is … Read more