Community Woodlands in Scotland: a tool for social regeneration

Comparing the community woodland sector North and South of the border is sad and striking – from down here.  Scotland has over 250 community woodlands, with an umbrella organisation, and national government support. In England, there are a diverse scattering of projects, but some of the big ones (such as Avon) have fizzled out as … Read more

Cracking resilience problems on Eigg

Eigg is a small island in the Hebrides: five miles by three, with 100 inhabitants.  Try adding to your resilience challenges: harsh climate, high transport costs, poor soil, and … a series of despotic landlords. However the gift was in the problem: the despots provoked Eigg’s people into creating the first community land buyout in … Read more

Using humour to defuse tensions

Do you ever feel that you spend hours in a state of high alert, where one more hassle feels like the last straw? The research quoted in our November issue (book blog – Your Brain On Nature) shows that many of us do indeed spend far too long in this state. To help you wind … Read more

Discerning, Valuing, Tolerating

Here are some specific ways to handle a crisis situation, whether personal, local or national. Discerning Beware of scapegoats and puffball simplistic solutions: they both pop up in many crises. Realise that you and other are heated about this situation, and common sense may have flown out the window.  Start by calming yourself down: mindfulness … Read more

Why local food matters for Bridport

Bridport has a reputation as a foodie centre, but how solid is our local food security? Several local organisations believe we need to grow and buy more of our produce locally: you can find out more at their stall on Barrack Street in the December 12 Farmers Market. The main problem from climate change for … Read more

Food impacts due to climate change

A compilation of some of the available information as at April 2019 In alphabetical order by source, not all used in preceding pages Introduction This document presents some available information on near-term impacts to global food systems due to Climate Change.  Following an outline of the main points is a list of the references used … Read more

Future outlook: overview of resources

This is Alan’s shortlist of useful resources on Future Resilience. Impacts of Climate Change It seems that there is little research on impacts, using the latest data on the acceleration of climate change itself. Many experts expect food supplies ot be the major impact of accelerating climate change: this is explained in a 2019 paper … Read more

Growing community from the roots: how Future Conversations helps

There are shedloads of good processes and theories about raising community resilience: applying them in practice is harder, especially in disadvantaged communities struggling with everyday needs. Future Conversations started as an unproven idea in Summer 2018: a series of eight facilitated discussions for 14-20 members of one community.  We had material we wanted to offer: … Read more

Looking back from 2042

Coronavirus was just the start… I was just 12 back in 2020 when the First Plague happened. What’s strange looking back is that everybody thought this was just a terrible one-off crisis. At first, they told us the lockdowns would be a few weeks, but actually in the UK it was thirteen months before they … Read more