The fruits of our first harvest

We feel things are changing faster than usual, both outside in the beautiful world, and inside ourselves and our communities. What a year ago would have looked impossible  is happening right now. Awareness of the impact of plastic and fossil fuels is no longer a well kept secret. We have the information; we have the … Read more

A wider, wiser view of the climate crisis: Charles Eisenstein book:

Climate, a new story  Charles Eisenstein is a charismatic American writer and speaker, who has a devoted following. I’m not such a fan, but I do recommend his new book, and I was impressed by his session at the Findhorn climate change conference (see my blog on this here). In this book, he wisely highlights … Read more

Book blog:Perfidious Albion by Sam Byers

If this is our future, we should be worried… You may not be surprised to know that there’s been an upsurge of dystopian fiction recently. It’s not usually a genre I go for, but I saw good reviews of Perfidious Albion, and it is indeed perceptive and witty – but also pretty depressing.   This book depicts Britain in a … Read more

Six big questions for our times

and some ways to explore answers Have you ever had the experience of wandering, lost in the mist, and emerging to find you’re at a vantage point where you can see at least broadly where you are, and where you want to go? That’s the place I’ve reached recently, and I’m sharing my perspectives in the hope that … Read more

Once the conversations emerge…

As the days become longer and our eyes start to open, we are getting ready to embrace spring.  We have been preparing the soil for Future Conversations programmes to be delivered in England in Tulse Hill and Grenfell (London), Nottingham and in Scotland in Greenock, aiming at building local resilience to respond to future challenges. … Read more

Train the Trainer Workshop

Future Conversations Train the Trainer Workshop   LONDON: January 15-17 Are you working in a community that faces challenges? Want to learn more on how to host conversations to become more resilient for the future together? The changes we’re facing in the next two or three decades are complex, often contradictory, and can feel daunting. … Read more

Brexit: An Uncivil War – TV docudrama

Brexit: an uncivil war

In hindsight, what could possibly go right? This 2-hour programme from Channel 4 is well worth seeing. Not only will you learn how we all got into the Brexit crisis, it will show you how the present and future game of politics is played. Let’s start with what this tells us about modern politics: There … Read more

Great Dream: Ten Keys to Happier Living

This is published by Action for Happiness, probably the biggest UK network focussed on happiness.  It may be stretching things to call it a book; it’s a 28-page free download from their website,   Along with the ten keys, all helpful, the book suggests ways to use them, for example creating a local group, or … Read more