Losing control – the nomad way of living

A different approach to future happiness One of my big life-changing experiences was co-leading a dozen retreats in the Tunisian Sahara with Bedouin guides. They had grown up as true nomads, moving around the desert with their camels and goats, but now living mostly in a town because many desert wells had dried up. Our … Read more

Fellowship and hope: gathering strength with Nature

Tuesday March 7, near Peterchurch, Herefordshire Our aim for this day is to deepen our roots of support and connection with each other and Nature, and to find our hope, joy and strength, seeing the opportunities in these times. We’ll work with Nature connection, singing with each other and the land, creating sacred space, using … Read more

Faith, hope and clarity… in uncertain times

These days, it’s easy to be worried, but it takes some skill and conscious choice to stay positive. That’s what this blog hopes to help with… Your top worry may be personal, national or global: in one sense, it’s all the same problem, the shift from an era of relative stability to one of ongoing … Read more

The Wisdom Way of Knowing, by Cynthia Bourgeault

Practical approaches to spiritual resilience This small, readable book is one of the best guides I’ve found to the principles and practicalities of spiritual resilience. Whilst it’s based on Wisdom teachings within the Christian tradition, Cynthia points out that “no matter which spiritual path you pursue, the nuts and bolts of spiritual transformation end up … Read more

How devotional movement and chants can help us with climate distress

One of the reactions I bring to my challenges is a search for understanding, and systemic solutions. In recent years, I’ve reached the painful conclusion that the climate crisis is too large, complex and alarming to be understood. Systemic solutions are absolutely apparent, but seem completely unachievable. However, I want to share some insights and … Read more

Whatever Next: Risk Review – UK 2030

This new report was commissioned by Seeding our Future and the Schumacher Institute. It is based on online research using the best available forecast data to highlight the specific aspects of eight key risks likely to affect the UK by 2030, and to outline practical responses to these issues. The aim of the report is … Read more

Creating community land for farms: online toolkit

For groups and communities wanting to buy land for local food production, there’s now a comprehensive online toolkit at www.communityfarm.land. It has been created by the Ecological Land Co-operative and Co-op Culture, who have assisted dozens of projects to get started. The website is well-organised, and includes sample document formats, lists of organisations and advisors, … Read more

A Sufi way to discern reality

As material reality gets more uncertain and alarming, I have found that using spiritual practices to find my way forward is really helpful. I’ve been exploring Sufi teachings for over 20 years, and want to share a couple of processes which have helped me. So what do I mean by Sufi? It’s an elusive idea: … Read more