Hope and Resilience in the Climate and Ecological Emergency

A retreat led by Alan Heeks and Jonathan Herbert Friday Feb 3 – Sunday Feb 5, 2023 at Hilfield Friary, Dorset Using material from the Christian contemplative tradition, from Joanna Macy – a Buddhist and deep ecologist,  and from Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaptation approach, the group will explore ways to grow through emergency. We will … Read more

Bridport Climate Fellowship Circle – November 3

Mutual support and higher guidance for uncertain times The worsening climate crisis, as well as Ukraine and other situations, are a valid reason for alarm, bewilderment, and other difficult feelings, and… this is also a chance to find mutual support and take positive action amid the turbulence. The idea of the Fellowship Circle is to offer a safe and creative … Read more

Feeling our way without a map

Subtle discernment for confusing times Imagine you’re in a dream where you’re trying to drive somewhere. Your satnav goes off. You realise you don’t have an old-fashioned paper map. There’s no mobile signal, so Google is no use. As you look for road signs, you see they’re blurred or dismantled. Then you notice the clear … Read more

How to start a community project

Seven steps up the learning curve! Since 1990 I’ve been involved in several projects with a strong community flavour: some are still going strong, some have struggled and petered out. This blog offers you seven insights I’ve gained over the years, mainly from projects which were place-based, i.e. creating a physical focus like a cohousing … Read more

Havens in storms: climate adaptation for ourselves and our communities 

Saturday October 15 at Castle Green Pavilion, Hereford 10-5pm  This is an exploratory workshop space, inviting both individuals, and representatives of communities and organisations across Herefordshire, to grow their capacities to adapt to the major disruptions ahead of us. We aim to explore some of the emotional, spiritual and practical development and nourishment that may … Read more

Mapping the climate alarm-denial spectrum

Where are you? Where’s your community? As the times get more confusing, mapping your situation becomes more important, and so does calibrating it. By this, I mean some kind of validation that helps you to feel that your view of your situation is realistic and appropriate. As Joanna Macy, creator of the Work that Reconnects, … Read more

The Work that Reconnects: a way to face the future

If you’re working with hazardous materials, you need good methods and equipment. The future really is hard to face: it can easily feel bleak and overwhelming. Many people feel pain and despair about the state of the world and the environment, and blank out to avoid these feelings. One of the best processes I’ve found … Read more

Emergency resilience: why you need it

Learning from Boiled Frog syndrome   Climate psychologists tell us that humans aren’t good at dealing with complex, diffuse threats whose timing is uncertain. It seems we’d be great at handling a woolly mammoth attack, and our evolution is way behind reality. If you compare the latest five years to the previous five, what do … Read more