Climate Change, Uist, and Future Conversations

To change the future we need to change the present, but to do that we need to have the right conversations. That’s exactly what Alan Heeks and Pamela Candea understand when they work with local people using Future Conversations. Recently, Pamela worked with people from the Uist community, using Future Conversations to help outline a … Read more

Growing community from the roots: how Future Conversations helps

There are shedloads of good processes and theories about raising community resilience: applying them in practice is harder, especially in disadvantaged communities struggling with everyday needs. Future Conversations started as an unproven idea in Summer 2018: a series of eight facilitated discussions for 14-20 members of one community.  We had material we wanted to offer: … Read more

How can we raise community resilience?

The Facing the 2020s report   As the pressures on all of us keep rising, we can see mounting discord about best priorities and solutions.  One of the few topics on which almost everyone agrees is that increasing the resilience of local communities is getting ever more vital.  This has been a focus of my work … Read more

Planting Seeds: Future Conversations at Belville Community Garden Trust

Pam Candea, Facilitator and trainer, writes: Future Conversations is a series of guided conversations to enable people to explore their hopes, fears and needs for the next 5-20 years. We will explore facts and feelings, and provide processes and information to grow the confidence and skills to shape the future positively.  The conversations at Belville … Read more

Testing new ground: Climate conversations with ESOL learners

And after several meetings, discussions, revisions and delivering train the trainer training, finally the day had come.   I had not idea about what might happen in the slightest, yet I remained excited about what could be. As I arrived in the meeting room at High Trees Community Development Trust I was greeted by a lovely … Read more

The fruits of our first harvest

We feel things are changing faster than usual, both outside in the beautiful world, and inside ourselves and our communities. What a year ago would have looked impossible  is happening right now. Awareness of the impact of plastic and fossil fuels is no longer a well kept secret. We have the information; we have the … Read more

Once the conversations emerge…

As the days become longer and our eyes start to open, we are getting ready to embrace spring.  We have been preparing the soil for Future Conversations programmes to be delivered in England in Tulse Hill and Grenfell (London), Nottingham and in Scotland in Greenock, aiming at building local resilience to respond to future challenges. … Read more