Do doctors have emotions?  What can they do with them?

Powerful insights from a woodland intensive You may think it’s obvious that doctors have feelings, like anyone else.  What I’ve learned from leading resilience programmes with doctors is that it’s far trickier.  Most doctors like to believe they’re superhuman, at least at work.  And what’s worse, most of us as patients want them to be … Read more

Woodland Resilience Immersion Retreat For Doctors

Nature-based ways to resource yourself and your practice Tuesday 20th July at 5pm until Thursday 22nd July at 5pmSingle accommodation. Vegetarian food locally sourced where possible. Total £275 The impact of prolonged overload, COVID working and the stress of facing ever-rising demands with shrinking resources, is calling us to respond creatively. This Woodland Resilience Immersion … Read more

Working with Nature in Mind

Reclaiming our mental health and well-being through systemic thinking and ecopsychology practice. Guest blog by Roger Duncan We are currently living in strange and unsettling times, where it seems that contemporary culture is sleepwalking into a spiralling series of human and ecological disasters. Despite an endless succession of intellectual debates and technological fixes, the future … Read more

Why our front-line services need re-visioning

All of us depend on front line services: they include health, local authorities, education, care, and a myriad of voluntary sector organisations such as charities, help networks, and community groups. They are a safety net, and as stresses grow for most people, we need the support of front line services more than ever. But most … Read more

Front-line extreme: natural resilience for junior hospital doctors

Of all the front-line services we depend on, hospitals are among the most crucial, and a large hospital will have several hundred junior doctors. These are young men and women, from mid-twenties into thirties. They start right out of university, and the first two years are the Foundation phase. An amazing 30% of junior doctors … Read more

To raise your wellbeing, learn from extremes

Insights from a Woodland Resilience Immersion for GP’s  This is embarrassing for me to admit as a resilience expert, but I have been struggling to sustain my own wellbeing and morale in recent months. The combination of huge, apparently insoluble problems on the climate change and political fronts has really ground me down. However, I came … Read more